
General 项目要求:
Number of Credits Required to Earn the Degree: 116


李一矿- 5002 Theoretical Perspectives of Occupation 2
李一矿- 5005 Neuroscience Perspectives in Occupational Therapy 4
李一矿- 8002 Clinical Skills I: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy 2
李一矿- 5001 Developmental Perspectives in Occupational Therapy 2
李一矿- 5008 Kinesiology Perspectives in Occupational Therapy 4
李一矿- 5013 Medical Perspectives in Occupational Therapy 3
李一矿- 5014 Person-Environment Dynamics in Occupation 1
李一矿- 5019 Theoretical Perspectives in Occupational Therapy 2
李一矿- 5151 研究 I: Evidence-Based Practice in Occupational Therapy 3
李一矿- 8003 Clinical Skills II: Fundamentals of Practice 2
李一矿- 5003 Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy 3
李一矿- 5105 Occupational Therapy Practice: Children & 青年 5
李一矿- 5152 研究 II: Design and Methodologies in Occupational Therapy 2
李一矿- 5185 Occupational Therapy Practice: Fieldwork IA 1
李一矿- 5222 Occupational Therapy Practice: Adults and Older Adults 5
李一矿- 5161 Occupational Therapy Service Delivery & 管理 3
李一矿- 5219 Occupational Therapy Practice: Community and Social Participation 3
李一矿- 5285 Occupational Therapy Practice: Fieldwork IB 1
HRPR 8985 Teaching in Higher Education: 健康 Professions 3
李一矿- 5104 Occupational Therapy Practice: Mental 健康 5
李一矿- 5221 健康 & 社区健康 3
李一矿- 5286 Occupational Therapy Practice: Fieldwork IC 1
李一矿- 8104 Clinical Skills III: Specialty Skills in Occupational Therapy 2
HRPR 8987 Teaching in Higher Education Practicum 3
李一矿- 5123 Occupational Therapy Practice: Assistive Technology 4
李一矿- 8105 Clinical Skills IV: 专业 Reasoning in Occupational Therapy 2
李一矿- 8107 International 健康 Perspectives in Occupational Therapy 2
李一矿- 8286 Doctoral Capstone in Occupational Therapy I: Topic Development 2
李一矿- 5287 Intensive Occupational Therapy Practice: Fieldwork IIA 9
李一矿- 8287 Doctoral Capstone in Occupational Therapy II: Capstone Site and Project Proposal 3
李一矿- 5288 Intensive Occupational Therapy Practice: Fieldwork IIB 9
李一矿- 8288 Doctoral Capstone in Occupational Therapy III: Capstone Experience 9
李一矿- 8289 Doctoral Capstone in Occupational Therapy IV: Implementation and Evaluation 3
HRPR 5001 Current and Emerging Issues in Public 健康 and 健康 Professions 1 0
李一矿- 8206 Clinical Skills V: Clinical 领导 2
李一矿- 8208 3
李一矿- 8291 Doctoral Capstone in Occupational Therapy V: Analysis and Dissemination 3

This common College Core course is required of all incoming graduate students in the College of Public 健康. It is available completely online and designed such that students can complete the modules at their own pace over the course of their degree program.

Minimum Grade to be Earned for All 必修课程: B-. Students receiving a C+ or lower are not permitted to progress into the next semester. A student must take a leave of absence and return the following year to retake a course that received a C+ or lower.

Intensive Fieldwork Practica:
Students may be required to travel up to 90 minutes from their place of residence to a Level I or II clinical site.

Level I: Students participate in a variety of Level I fieldwork experiences that are largely local. However, opportunities do exist for international Level I field experiences.

Level II: Two 12-week supervised full-time fieldwork experiences are required for degree completion. Level II fieldwork is completed upon completion of all academic courses. Students are assigned to Level II fieldwork either locally or in another state. No international Level II fieldwork experiences are available. 

Doctoral Capstone Project and Experience:
The doctoral capstone series is interwoven throughout the curriculum to ensure students build foundational knowledge in the critical consumption of evidence and research, understanding of translation and production of research, and the importance of assessment and dissemination of outcomes. Through the capstone course series, 学生学会发展, implement and assess a culminating project that encourages further development of clinical practice skills, 研究技能, 政府, 领导, program policy and development, 倡导或教育.

The capstone is designed to ensure students attain in-depth knowledge and skill in their interest area while supporting Temple’s clinical and community partners throughout the 14-week experience.

Students must complete 24 weeks of Level II fieldwork as well as an individual 14-week capstone experience within 18 months following the completion of the didactic portion of the program. The doctoral capstone experience must be started after completion of all coursework and Level II fieldwork as well as completion of preparatory activities defined in 2018 ACOTE OTD Standard D.1.3.